Thursday, March 29, 2012

Star Tours: Ride Review

Name: Star Tours
Type: Ride, Simulator-Style
Location: Hollywood Studios, in the Backlot area
The Gist: This classic Star Wars-themed simulator ride was recently redesigned to include new location, characters and 3-D technology. There are over 50 different ways to ride, meaning the scenes you go through are chosen in random combination each time. I've done this ride so many times, and its never been the same twice.
A Must-Do For: Star Wars nerds- I mean, fans; people who want something more thrilling than the Great Movie Ride, but less thrilling than The Rock'n'Rollercoaster or the Tower of Terror.
Avoid if: You are prone to motion sickness. Simulator-type rides are notorious for this. Most people might be ok going once, provided they haven't eaten recently, but even I felt off after doing it twice in a row one time.

Fear Factor: 2/10. Aside from the motion-sick issue, this is not a scary ride, just a bit bumpy.
Lines and Other Tips: Usually, the wait times for this aren't too bad. It is another one of those who's line lenght just depends on the time of day. If you walk by once and the wait is longer than you'd like, just come back in a bit, because it'll probably go down at some point.

Tbh, I liked the old Star Tours better, but maybe that is just nostalgia. The visuals are good, I guess, but if you are like me, and hate watching 3-D, you won't be all that impressed. I have found that sitting in the back row helps me see it better, but you can't always get to pick where you sit, so it doesn't really matter. However, it is still a fun ride, especially if you are a huge Star Wars fan!

xoxo, Lily

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