Friday, March 30, 2012

Expedition Everest: Ride Review

Name: Expedition Everest
Type: Ride, Roller Coaster
Location: Animal Kingdom, in the Asia area
The Gist: Take a wild train ride through the Himalyas and search for its most infamous inhabitant- the Yeti.
A Must-Do For: People who watch shows like "Finding Bigfoot"; roller coaster lovers
Avoid If: You don't like heights; very fast, sometimes dark rides; moving backwards at 30 miles an hour.

Fear Factor: 8/10. I was fooled into going on this ride because I knew it didn't go upside down (which is my standard measure of ride-scariness, for whatever reason). I thought it was going to be more like Big Thunder or something... hahaha, no. This ride is pretty darn scary. It gets pretty high, some of it is in complete darkness (while you are going backwards, mind you-even my dad, vetran rollercoaster rider that he is, said this freaked him out a bit. Although, he actually meant that in a good way.), there is an 80-foot drop, it tops out at around 50mph, speed wise, and oh, yeah, the giant animatronic Yeti. I am slowly working up the nerve to go back on. Very slowly.
Lines and Other Tips: This one will often have a decent wait due to its popularity. Makes it a good choice for a Fastpass. Also, keep in mind that this ride has a single rider line, which will cut your wait time greatly, as long as you don't mind splitting up your party. If you happen to catch it on a 30 minute or less wait time, though, I would recommend just going through the normal queue, especially for the Bigfoot/Yeti enthusiasts. There is much to see along the way, including exhibits, legends, and real artifacts that supposedly point to the existence of the creature.

I really would like to get up my nerve to go on this again. It is said to be the most expensive roller coaster ever built (100 million dollars!), which just goes to show how much of their characteristic detail they put it in. Next time, I think I'm gonna have to open my eyes so I can actually see some of it!

xoxo, Lily

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