Thursday, March 29, 2012

Soarin': Ride Review

Name: Soarin'
Type: Ride, Simulator
Location: Epcot, in the Land Pavilion
The Gist: Take a peaceful, simulated hangliding flight over California. Basically, how it works, it you sit in rows of benches and then you are hoisted up over a giant screen, feet dangling and all.
A Must-Do For: People who like California, people who want to experience an attraction that is admittedly different from anything else you've ever done.
Avoid If: You are afraid of heights. Much of the ride features simulated height, and you actually are about 20 feet in the air. So not really for the acrophobic.
Fear Factor: If heights don't bother you, then this is 1/10. It is very peaceful and unscary.

Lines and Other Tips: This ride should really be named Waitin', because that is always what you will have to do. This ride consistently has the longest wait times in all four parks. Don't ask me why. The longest wait time I have seen on anything, ever, was for this. (235 minutes. Almost four fucking hours. That was on a peak day, though, the week between Christmas and New Year's. Topic for another post, but... never, ever, ever go that week!). I suggest either getting there the second the park opens, or getting a Fastpass. Which you should still do the second the park opens considering how quickly they sell out. Once the lines start growing, they never shrink, even late in the day.

I like Soarin', I really do, but I almost never get to do it because of the ridic lines. To make matters worse, there is like, nothing to see in the queue besides a huge hallway and some rustic paintings. Bottom line, if this is a must for you, plan ahead! Don't ever expect to just be able to pop on, unless you'd like to wait at least an hour on a good day. And, really, this ride is not worth an hour wait. That is my honest opinion.

xoxo, Lily.

1 comment:

  1. It's really funny that you mention the ridiculous wait times for this,lol because they are really the most ridiculous. However, that being said, last time I went (which was during a peak season, spring break) our wait time was less than 20 minutes. Freaking score!
