Thursday, April 19, 2012

Casey's Corner: Restaurant Review

Name: Casey's Corner
Location: The Magic Kingdom, on Main Street, U.S.A.
Cuisine: Ballpark food, namely, hot dogs. A few other token things like nachos and fries as well.
Type: Counter Service
Good For Those Who: Like fancy hotdogs
Price Range: In the $ price range, which means everything is less than $15.
Times: Lunch, dinner, snacks
Reservations: None taken, since it's quick service
My Recommendation: Well... here's the thing with this place. Their specialties are the hotdogs, which, are, admittedly, several steps above what most places boil and slap on a stale bun. What I'm saying is, if you like hotdogs, this is a good place to go. However, I hate hotdogs, even "good" ones like they have here, so I can't exactly personally recommend them. The nachos, though, I have to once again give props to Disney and say, are pretty decent. When you are expecting those hard round chips drenched in disconcertingly-yellow shiny cheese, they are actually a nice surprise. Good chips, beef, actual cheese- and you can put the toppings on yourself. It's the little things, guys.
Healthier Option: If you want healthy, your only option really, is to go someplace else. This isn't that kinda place.

It is a lucky soul who happens to be passing down Main Street and gets hit with a whiff of fresh waffle cone from the ice cream parlor on the right, and a whiff of saurkraut from Casey's on the left. At the same time. I am only half being sarcastic.

xoxo, Lily

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