Monday, April 2, 2012

Maelstrom: Ride Review

Name: Maelstrom
Type: Ride, Boat Ride
Location: Epcot, in the World Showcase Norway Pavilion
The Gist: Take an adventure through Norway and ride past vikings, polar bears, and even trolls.
A Must-Do For: People who want to educate themselves about culture while still going on a ride; people who like Vikings (who doesn't?); kids who want to do something more thrilling than the Grand Fiesta Tour but less thrilling than Test Track.
Avoid If: Hmm. Although this ride is not very scary, I remember being nervous when I was younger. There are some dark spaces, an angry polar bear animatronic, some angry troll animatronics, a short period of sailing backwards, and a small drop at the end. Adults will be fine, but small children could be frightened.
Fear Factor: 3/10 for the reasons listed above. To put it in persepctive, they don't even bother to give you seatbelts or lapbars. That should show you how tame this ride is by modern standards. Either way, note that this ride is probably less than 2 minutes long, so it will be over very soon if your kids freak out.

Lines and Other Tips: The line for this one can be longish- by World Showcase standards. This means it will often be in the 20-30 minute range. If you don't feel like waiting that long, then you can get a Fastpass, go as soon as the WS opens (usually at 11am, later then the rest of the park) because the lines are shorter then, or go later in the day.

I LOVE Maelstrom so hard. It is one of those that I can't go to Epcot without doing. It is a World Showcase must, considering it is only one of 2 rides in that area of the park.

xoxo, Lily

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