Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Jungle Cruise: Ride Review

Name: The Jungle Cruise
Type: Ride, Slow Boat Ride
Location: The Magic Kingdom, in Adventureland
The Gist: Take a narrated trip through some of the world's most famous rivers and see some "animals" and other sights along the way.
A Must-Do For: People who like puns (the narration is full of 'em); people who want to experience some of the classic-albeit corny, Disney World attractions.
Avoid If: Nothing too scary about this ride, but there is one part where you go through the ruins of an old temple and it is a little dark.
Fear Factor: 1/10. Even kids shouldn't be scared, I mean, the animals don't look that realistic!
Lines/Other Tips: This one tends to have solidly long lines-during the day. If I were you, I'd wait until after dark. As soon as the sun goes down, like everyone forgets about this ride, and you can almost always get on with no wait. And, it is waaayyy cooler at night. And it beats waiting 30-60 minutes in the heat, like you would going during daytime.

Silly narration and silly animal animatronics aside, I love the Jungle Cruise. I started loving it even more when we discovered how much better it is at night. Pure nostalgic Disney.

xoxo, Lily

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