Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Living With the Land: Ride Review

Name: Living With the Land
Type: Ride, Slow Boat Ride
Location: Epcot, in the World Showcase Land Pavilion
The Gist: Learn about human interaction with nature and ride through actual greenhouses to see some newfangled eco-friendly techniques for growing food (the food they grow here is actually served in the restaurants at Epcot).
A Must-Do For: People interested in plants, agriculture, and/or being environmentally friendly.
Avoid If: You are adverse to being educated while at Disney World.
Fear Factor: 1/10. A calm, slow, educational experience- nothing scary.
Lines and Other Tips: Usually, the wait times for this are easy, probably the longest I have ever waited is 15 or so minutes. Keep in mind that this ride does not usually run long after dark, so if it is a must-do for you, don't put it off.

Ok... so, I know this one sounds totally boring, and yeah, it probably will be for kids, but I personally love it. Just a nice, easy, and interesting experience at Epcot. It actually is sorta fascinating to see some of the crazy ways they grow food.

xoxo, Lily

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