Sunday, April 1, 2012

Maharaja Jungle Trek: Exhibit Review

Name: Maharaja Jungle Trek
Type: Walking path through animal exhibits
Location: Animal Kingdom, in the Asia area
The Gist: Walk through the Asian animal exhibits and see tigers, bats, kimodo dragons, birds, and deer.
A Must-Do For: People who want to see the real animals at Animal Kingdom


Like I said about the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail, Maharaja offers some of the coolest, most up-close animal exhibits you can find. There are three separate viewing areas for the tigers alone, which is great because they are so majestic, you will want to watch them from as many angles as you can!

Also, I am weirdly obsessed with the bat enclosure. Hopefully, you will walk by on a time where they are moving around a bit and you can see how amazing and adorable they are.

Shit picture, but... bats!

xoxo, Lily

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