Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Walt Disney World Railroad: Ride Review

Name: Walt Disney World Railroad
Type: Ride, Train (like an actual legit steamtrain)
Location: The Magic Kingdom. Circles the entire park. You can board at one of three stations, in Main Street, in Frontierland, and in Fantasyland (the new circus area, near the Barnstormer).
The Gist: An actual train takes you on a scenic tour around the park. A great way to get from one end of the park to another, or for just a nice view of the sights.
A Must-Do For: Train enthusiasts, people who want a ride you can stay on as long as you want (since there are 3 stops, they don't make you get off).
Avoid If: No reason to, really.
Fear Factor: 1/10.
Lines and Other Tips: Trains arrive at stations every 4-10 minutes. You typically won't have to wait longer than that, unless it is crowded, then you may have to wait for the next one.

My grandfather worked as a conductor on the trains here for many, many years, so I'm partial to it for sentimental reasons. But it is also a good way to get around, and take in the sights of the Magic Kingdom. Also, its a pretty good way to get a sneak peek of the New Fantasyland areas they are building!

xoxo, Lily

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