Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Barnstormer: Ride Review

Name: The Barnstormers
Type: Ride, Kiddie Coaster
Location: The Magic Kingdom, in the recently opened Storybook Circus section of Fantasy Land
The Gist: Take a quick (I'm talking like 30 seconds quick) flight with Goofy- a known terrible pilot-in this newly redesigned coaster that used to be part of the now-gone Toontown area of the park.
A Must-Do For: Kids who want to experience their first "fast" ride. If you think they might like roller coasters but aren't yet ready for Big Thunder Mountain and the like, take them on this. If they hate it... well, it is over in less than a minute, so they'll live.
Avoid If: You have a thing with heights. The top of this ride, while not really that high, is a bit exposed in a way that Big Thunder isn't. My mom, a serious acrophobe, can do it, as long as she doesn't look down.

Fear Factor: 3/10, for aformentioned reasons.
Lines And Other Tips: The line isn't usually too bad, especially considering that it just reopened. But, you have to make the decision whether or not it is worth it to wait in a 20 minute line for a ride that literally lasts 30 seconds. After dark, the wait times seem to go down a bit.

I like the Barnstormers, I really do. But realistically, it is only a good option for me if I'm passing through late at night and happen to see that there is no one in line.

xoxo, Lily

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